NEW IN 2024

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Tankwa Town is a little bigger this year. We’ve grown by a few thousand people since we journeyed into SPACE. There are going to be more artworks, performances, Mutant Vehicles and Theme Camps than ever before.

This is only our third time burning on our new event site, and our third full event since the world ended and started again.

As we step into the beginning, we ask you to take your citizenship in Tankwa Town seriously. Take your Creative Licence out, and be brave, lose yourself in the dust, and find yourself in the smiles of other people. Make sure you’re here not to show people how cool you are, but to show THEM how cool THEY are.

Take a moment to reconnect with the 11 Principles that make this temporary autonomous zone so special. This is your best AfrikaBurn. Take good care of each other, take small sips and small steps, take your time and give others the time they may need to repressurise.

IV bars are banned. End of discussion.