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Those that have attended other mass events most probably all have a deep seated fear of having to visit the amenities. At Afrikaburn, not only are the numbers of people substantial, it is also an event that attempts to live in harmony with its environment. Eco friendly is the first rule (what we leave there has minimal impact on the environment) and secondly it should be as pleasant an experience for all attending. Chemical toilets have been completely done away with and a lot of design has gone into something more appropriate according to the two guiding fundamentals listed above. Here comes the low down on the rather spectacular (I'm not exagerating) result.

The first part of the experience of litteraly mounting the throne, is the amazing view. Try sunset or sunrise for an absolutely awesome time. Second is an abundance of fresh air, well almost. Thirdly it is possible to have an easy conversation with your neighbour. Fourth, no need to go and knock on a plastic door to try and find out if it is vacant or even worse, opening the door on a desperately defending inhabitant. Fifth, did I mention completely eco friendly, no chemicals, only a natural process that returns to the earth what was part of the earth. Lastly that hidden psychological angle. You're doing it in public but not really so, so what could you possibly be ashamed of? Nothing, of course comes the answer.

On a more practical note. The do's and dont's, to be strictly adhered to.

It is a complete eco-friendly, biological process. The rule is if it did not naturally come out of your body please do not put it there (and loo paper). The grim detail is if you do, somebody else needs to fish it out again. There are containers next to the loo for condoms, wet wipes, pads and tampons.

Do not dump your rubbish, your empty beer bottles, tins or what-ever. Oh, I simply forgot it there. No you did not, you were tired carrying it.

Please leave the seat in a state that the next person can use.

The wind does have a name at Tankwa Town. It can blow! Please replace the toilet roll in the container and close it properly. Otherwise the world becomes strewn with shredded pieces of toilet paper. Close the catch on the doors. These break off if left to swing in the wind.

For the rest, and I'm entire honest, enjoy the rare experience. You are unlikely to find it elsewhere.
