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Sanctuary 2022 flat.png

Sanctuary, located between Ranger HQ and the Medical Facility, is where you will find psychedelic support services and peer support. It is run as a 24/7 service from Monday when the gates officially open until the following Monday when most participants have gone home. Sanctuary caters for vendors, crew, operations, community members and its own volunteer group.

In a nutshell our services are preventative, peer driven or professional. Most often someone will come to Sanctuary and ask for assistance or the Medics/Green Dots/Rangers will bring them to us to help. Sometimes people come to Sanctuary but need connecting with Rangers for practical assistance, or need medics and we can direct them to the right service.

All volunteers assist in keeping the space zen, calm and presentable.

Application and Volunteer Process

Process What How

Once approved

  • Step 4: RSVP a volunteer training date Reply to approval email
  • Step 5: Fill out shifts in approved role Via link from Sanctuary Team
  • Step 6: Attend Training/s and complete NDA Pre-event
  • Step 7: Sign up for shifts and report to Supervisor for induction
  • Step 8: Arrive at correct time @ Sanctuary for your shift
  • Step 9: Volunteer again the next year once approval has been re-issued based on previous year Supervisor feedback

Going forward

Remain involved and join the core team

Send an email asking about volunteering

Sanctuary Team will invite you to volunteer via email

Characteristics of our Volunteers

  • Compassionate listening.
  • Insightful due to previous experiences that relate or learning to attend and use deep listening skills.
  • Self-aware and able to adapt self to situations.
  • Respectful of sexual and emotional boundaries at all times.
  • Responsible for awareness around power dynamics, positionality and social systems that could negatively affect care and communal efforts.  
  • No sexism, racism or prejudices are acceptable in this group.
  • Awareness of the 11 principles and volunteer responsibilities. No agenda for any spiritual, psychological or emotional payoffs or ideologies

The following criteria would be helpful for volunteers applying to work at the Sanctuary

✓ I have had experience as a caregiver in psychedelic crisis situations

✓ I have professional experience in a psychiatric ward (professional nurse, doctor, therapist)

✓ I have had personal experience with psychedelics

✓ I have a professional background in healthcare services

✓ I possess alternative/ non-western medical therapeutic or massage skills

✓ I have undergone CPR or first aid training

✓ I have an interest (academic/professional/personal) in psychology/psychedelic science

✓ I am linked to a harm reduction organisation

✓ I have prior experience volunteering in any capacity at a music festival

✓ I have been recommended by someone from a similar, or this, care service

✓ I have attended a previous edition of Afrikaburn, or an official Burning Man event

✓ I have attended MAPS/Zendo/Sanctuary training in the last 2 years

Volunteer roles


Supervisor who provide back-up to the on-duty Sanctuary volunteers. who are on duty 24/7 to help with any team challenges or when things get super busy. This role is filled by dedicated crew.


Shift Leaders who have experience as Tangles (Sitters) and are keeping it all going smoothly in Sanctuary. They manage the shift and allocation of guests to sitters in the space. They are supported by CuddleFish, and are in turn, supporting the sitters, guests and other volunteers in the space. This role is filled by experienced Sanctuary sitters who have been invited and trained up (similar to the ranger Tortoise) specifically. You would have received an additional invitation, in person, if you had been approved for this role.


If you sign up to be a sitter who directly provides peer support to guests who are having a challenging experience, then this is you. Your official job title is "Tangle". We aim to have at least 4 Tangles on each shift and prefer a mix of genders and age to ensure comfortable allocation as guests require it.


Provides background help, feng shui magic and general Zen Mastery. They help with keeping the Tangles and Guests supplied with blankets, refreshments and chilled vibes by holding space, keeping the interior beauootiful and calm. A great role for those who are new to sitting but still want to be of service. This role is to support the space to stay organised and tidy and calm, which used to be a shift lead function but is too much given how busy we are. This role suits less confident volunteers.


It is also envisioned to assist the shift leader to help with documentation and keeping the space quiet and keeping the boundary of the space intact from noise, visitors or other possible stressors. It is also a good role for new volunteers although it is a very key role. If one-to- one peer support isn't your vibe, but you still want to support Sanctuary, you can greet and support people who are coming into the space, help the friends and family of guests, and help keep the space Zen-ful and not over-ful of people or noise. Often this involves also keeping the literal home fire burning at our outdoor chill space and being a first-person smiling face when Tankwa-ites arrive at Sanctuary.

To join the Sanctuary Team in 2022: https://www.afrikaburn.com/the-event/participation/sanctuary

Have further questions about Sanctuary? Mail us on [[1]]