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Rangers are a group of burners (just like you) who make their commitment to the principles of AfrikaBurn a little more formal. As non-confrontational community mediators, their role at the event is to support our community by providing participants with reliable information, supporting the 11 principles, facilitating public safety, and helping participants resolve disputes.

Rangers work in shifts and can

be found, day and night, in pairs walking and cycling the streets of Tankwa Town, engaging with the community, and enjoying art. They can be identified when on duty by their highly visible orange attire. Rangers are the easiest way to access help and info in Tankwa Town. Beyond this, Rangers have taken the time to attend training, most of it centred around mediation to help smooth any disagreements that may arise.

Rangers also maintain specialised teams with additional training. Green Dots help support participants undergoing challenging emotional experiences. SOOP Rangers work to resolve issues of Sound Out Of Place. Burning art perimeters are led by Fire Art Safety

Team (FAST) Rangers who work with artists to promote burn safety.

To find out more, chat to any Ranger, come to Ranger HQ at Off-Centre Camp, or go to the Ranger page:


• Write your ID number on the underside of your wristband - this way, in an emergency, our team will be able to find out who you are.

• Always carry water on you. Drink water regularly, especially if drinking alcohol. Best gauge of hydration? If your piss is clear, you’re in the clear. To avoid a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), piss often – girls especially!

• Bring sunscreen and a hat, and use them both.

• Bring dust goggles and a bandana – dust storms are only fun if you’re prepared.

• Personal lighting: light your body when going out at night. Make sure that you can see and that others can see you. Bring a torch/ headlamp (or two) and lights for your camp.

• If you bring a bike, put a light on it (and wrap lights or EL wire on the frame)

• There are snakes, spiders and scorpions in Tankwa - check your shoes before pulling them on, and check your bedding and tent before packing up.

• All camps should have at least one all-purpose (Dry Chemical Powder) serviced fire extinguisher

and a comprehensive first aid kit. Nominate a Safety Officer to manage the safety aspects of your camp, and make sure all campmates are informed of where the first aid kit and fire extinguishers are placed.

• NEVER, ever – ever – leave an unattended fire, or smouldering coals, at your camp. The desert wind can whip up in seconds and start a runaway wildfire that could destroy your camp and vehicles. Not good.