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Outreach logo

The Outreach Portfolio, within the framework of the 11 principles and AfrikaBurn policy, exists to:

organise, resource and fund efforts to aid communities that live in and around the areas of our operations; and

develop and oversee an open and transparent process for selecting projects to fund, disbursing those funds, monitoring how they are used and evaluating the impact of the contribution; and

assist projects with similar aims with guidance, resources and funding; and

build partnerships with organisations that have skills and resources that can help Outreach to fulfill this mandate; and

build relationships with and seek funding and resources from donors and sponsors.

View Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/442806322433724

see web site https://www.afrikaburn.com/community/outreach-home?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjbyYBhCdARIsAArC6LKBeqd0yRrtDeUKF_N02nZZO55E9z1w6xNGBmG63IGCCfg9K2ggdjYaAkD-EALw_wcB

web site Outreach history https://www.afrikaburn.com/tag/outreach