NEW IN 2023

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Revision as of 11:57, 27 September 2022 by Thebrain (talk | contribs) (Added DDT)
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The privacy of our participants with regards to photography.

In previous years at AfrikaBurn, you needed to get a pink 'No Photo' wristband if you wanted your desire not to have your photo taken in Tankwa Town to be made visible. We've found that his has not stopped our participants from showing up unexpectedly in social media posts online when they're radically expressing themselves. This year, the opposite method of consent is going to be true in Tankwa town - the updated agreement upon entering Tankwa Town is that all participants at AfrikaBurn have not given their consent to be photographed. Only the people with pink photo wrist bands that give permission for their photo to be taken can be photographed in 2023. More information can be found here.

DDT Tickets are no more

To make things easier for theme camps, mutants and artists to get tickets, we used to have DDT's available through the various channels. However, this made final numbers on site much harder to manage and not all of this allocation was often used up. Therefore this year, if you need a ticket to get into AfrikaBurn (which is pretty much everyone), you'll need to please buy your ticket in the general sale happening in November.